Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Are you really going to eat THAT!?

I have recently learned a very important lesson. Do not judge a pregnant woman for what she eats (unless she is eating something harmful, like glass or something).

I used to judge. I knew one woman who ate McDonalds just about everyday she was pregnant. Surprisingly she didn't gain a huge amount of weight. But I was shocked. "How could she do that!? This is the time she should be eating as healthy as possible!"

That is true. Everyone says it. It is written in all the books. And it is a beautiful thought. But things don't always work out that way.

My plan was to have an almost vegan pregnancy. You can't get much healthier than that! Life had a much different idea, and I am certain a bit of a giggle over it all. 

I am eating food I have not eaten for years. It may shock you - Lean pockets, hamburger helper, ravioli, surgary treats, carbs carbs carbs, pickles galore, juice, and yes...sometimes even McDonalds.

I do try to make the best choices I can. But there is only so healthy you can get with these processed classics.  Oh and did I mention...the only veggies I can really eat are tomatoes, raw carrots and radishes. That's it!

So much for my glorious plans of being a nutritionally amazing goddessey incubator. 
Now I understand...A pregnant woman needs to eat WHATEVER SHE CAN! And try to make the best choices possible with the food cards she is dealt.

I don't get upset though when people who have never been pregnant say to me "Are you sure you should eat that?" or "Are you really going to eat THAT!?" I simply smile and nod and think to myself "Oh, you'll understand one day..."

Am I sad that I am not eating as healthy as I should? Of course...but I can either embrace it and do my best, or stress about it endlessly and do myself and my little bean no good at all. I must add though - thank God for prenatal vitamins! Seriously!

The thing is - the baby is going take whatever it needs. If I don't have enough of it for myself, I will likely start craving the food that has it in order to replenish. A woman's body is an amazing thing. It knows what needs to be done. 
So while I do wish I was a smorgasbord of nutritional awesomeness...I am not worried about my baby getting everything it needs. It will. It is.

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