Monday, May 18, 2009


Sometimes I think that I can't get any luckier....
Sometimes I think that I've got the best thing in the world going for me...
Sometimes I feel things going the best...
Sometimes I feel your warm snuggly body...

Then I see your eyes and the love contained therein and I just forget all those things...
Because your eyes remind me all we've been through...
Sometimes I remember our past, the hurt and the struggle...
But then I see you...

(I'm thinking of writing a song, no theifing!)

I can't believe our life together, my Sandi. Sometimes you make me crazy, sometimes I do the same but I know that we're just crazy together because we're crazy in love with each other.

Be mine forever, because stalking forever is nowhere near as fun *grin*

I can't wait to show our baby (boy) how much we love each other and how much we are going to love him!

*sigh* (happiness is hard to find, unless I'm with you)