Saturday, August 1, 2009

27 Weeks

According to some I have now entered my third trimester. According to me, I've not actually hit it until next week...regardless...time is certainly moving along...too quickly!

There is so much I need to get done before the baby arrives...I really wish I didn't have to go to work anymore and could just concentrate on getting ready.
I just have to work around it for now, and take shorter naps and push on through the sleepies...

It is weird - I have to rest, but not so much that nothing gets done...difficult balance.

I'll have pictures up tomorrow. I don't think they belly has grown too much over the last few weeks, maybe the photos will prove otherwise.

On my way to Kentucky to visit my dad, I told the ticket agent I was pregnant, but had a note to travel and he said "Oh but you can't be that far along..." I tried to remain polite, but he got a bit of the stink-eye when I informed him I was almost in my third trimester...

Why is it people still can't tell that I am definitely pregnant? Grrr!

Where is that annoying stranger who comes up and asks a billion questions while invading my space and touching my stomache?
Maybe next week?

I feel pretty good though, and I have gotten a few comments from people who know I am pregnant. Things about having a glow and looking good and all that. That's very nice. I do very much appreciate those...especially as I begin to feel more and more round...and is nice to know that even if I can't see it, there is a glow about me =)

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