Patrick is here!
He was born 4:15am, weighing 9lbs 1 ounce, and 20.5 inches long.
The birth was amazing! Painful sure, but definitely not impossible, and just amazing and empowering! I had so much support from my midwife and the assistants/doulas, and of course Drew never left my side. My mom was in the mix as well, rubbing my feet. She was also there to hold my hand during a slightly rough time after the baby was born. I have to say, I felt absolutely spoiled and loved. If ever there was a time in my life where I felt like a princess, or a goddess (as Drew likes to call me) this was definitely it!
12.5 hours of labor (once it really got going it was kind of a strange blur), and suddenly...there he was! This messy, crying, wriggly little creature...
My son...
And he's beautiful!
Happy Birthday Pumpkin.
:Lesigh: :squishes: