Tuesday, April 6, 2010


After reading this little story http://mothering.com/parenting/reluctant-adventurer I realized that while some moms have "given up" on an adventurous life and are trying to find new meaning, I am trying to discover an adventurous life so I can show my little boy the wonders of the world.

I just thought that was kinda neat. No matter who you are before you have a baby, everything really does change...

I worry sometimes that I will not be able to rediscover my adventurous side, that I'll end up being such a boring mom and Patrick won't have nearly as much fun as he could if I wasn't so afraid of stuff. But then I remind myself that I was the one who pushed us to take out impromptu vacation to the mountains, and that I climbed down the mountain side with Drew so he could show me salamanders (even though I was quite nervous and not wearing the right shoes). I remind myself that I went sailing on a little pontoon boat in Jamaica and I went to NY for a wedding to finally meet people I had never met before - all by myself...I sang on stage multiple times in front of hundreds of people, once without music. I wasn't very good that time, but I still did it. I remind myself that I have had some adventures here and there...

Maybe Patrick's mommy is not so fearful...maybe I have an adventurous side after all.

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