Monday, May 10, 2010

Patrick's Half-Birthday

My little baby boy is 6 months old today!
I just can't believe it...

This Wednesday is his 6 month check up. Then we will be able to find out the official length and weight. I'm putting my guess in now that he is at least 27.5 inches and has hit 20lbs.

He is rolling around like crazy now. He loves it! He can also hold himself upright, though can't get himself into a sitting position on his own yet. And he very much wants to crawl - he'll be doing it really soon. I just can't believe how fast this is going!

How can it have been 6 months since he was born? How can he be so close to crawling!? It is amazing to me. People alway say "They grow so fast" and I always thought, well yes, I know they do...But I didn't know, not really. They grow REALLY fast! Pretty soon he will be walking, and forming sentences, and dating, and going off to college!

I'm getting ahead of myself though - right now he still slobbers happily, giggles when I kiss him, and rolls around delightedly. I love right now.


  1. It is such a great time isn't it? I get teary eyed when I think of how fast it all goes by and how you can't freeze time of get it all back. Enjoy it! Happy half birthday little man!

  2. I so want to gobble your son all up. He's so squishy and wonderful. I'm so happy for you and how wonderful you are doing. Happy half birthday Plumpkin!
