Thursday, June 10, 2010

7 Months and a New Ride!

My fabulous baby boy is 7months old! I can hardly believe it!

He is so very close to crawling, but honestly I think he really enjoys rolling around. He is quite the rolling little monster!
He is now eating rice cereal, sweet potatoes, avocado, and pears - he loves all of it! He even makes yummy noises!<3. Next food up is peas. Mmmm peas!
He is also teething! This makes for some long nights, but it's alright, mommies don't need sleep...right?

This weekend we are getting him a new toy. He's outgrown his kickin coaster and his bouncer. I can tell you one thing I have learned- a 5 point harness is much much better than a 3 point! I say this because the two toys I mentioned have not been outgrown due to size (surprisingly), but rather due to the fact that he has learned how to topple them over during his escape attempts. Thank goodness his swing is still use able for a little while longer.
We will also be getting him a new car seat. After, much research I decided on this one
Graco is one of the only companies I have found that makes car seats that are rear facing up to 40lbs. This is very important to me! I very much believe that rear facing is the safest thing to do for as long as you possibly can!
Not sure you agree? Watch this video...just have the tissues ready! And believe me, it is not the worst one out there either!
I honestly don't know why they don't just make it a law that children need to be rear facing until 40lbs, at least!


  1. Happy 7mo to the pumpkin! I love him so much!

  2. Graco is a really good company. He's going to be crawling in no time. Wow. I mean you can totally tell by how peeved he gets when he can't figure out how to go forward. LOL!
