Friday, October 15, 2010

His Own Space

I'm trying to get Patrick to take a nap right now. Actually, I tried to take one too, but he absolutely will not nap with me in the room. So I am here at the computer, oh so sleepy, while he is finally settling down for a little nap.

It hurts my heart a little, but he really does need his own room. We will both sleep better. For naps, and through the night. I just feel like it is all going by too fast. I want to keep him with me. But it is probably time for him to have his own space...

I just wish I could keep every single memory with me, like a little photo album or a movie of the baby times...they go by so very fast...and what if this is the only chance I get to experience it all? I want to keep it with me...always...

How can it almost be a year already? How can he be almost walking? How can he go from never leaving my arms through the day and night, to being way past ready for his own room? And soon he won't be nursing anymore either.

...This is why being a mom is hard. Give me dirty diapers, temper tantrums, bumps and bruises, teething grumpies, all of it...
Watching him grow up is so beautiful, but him growing makes me just a little sad.

1 comment:

  1. It really is hard, isn't it? Writing your blog is one way of being sure that you remember. So, keep up the good work. Looking forward to the birthday party. :-)
