Thursday, January 21, 2010

Birth Control Part 2

I may go back and forth on this issue a zillion more times before truly coming to a decision ( I promise there will not be a "Birth Control Part 1 Zillion" post). I spoke with the Kaleen, the nurse midwife. She suggests I give the IUD a try because I can always get it removed if it gives me problems. Oh the wisdom in that...
So now I am all uncertain again.

I have to wonder how many other women struggle with this issue. It can't just be me. Can it?
I feel like such a weirdo and a pain in the behind to boot. Why don't I just make it easy on myself, on the poor midwives, on Drew, on my faithful readers, and just do what I'm supposed to and get myself some conventional BC goodness?
Part of me really wants to do that...
But the nature girl in me is screaming bloody murder at the thought of ingesting/having inserted hormones and hormone drenched foreign objects.

So...will I try the IUD after all? If I do will I love it or hate it? Or will I give into my tree hugger tendencies and use Neem Oil...
The world may never know.
What would you do?


  1. You are absolutely not the only one. This question gets asked and discussed a lot in VP. If it were me, I would use barrier methods, plus FAM. If Fam were not an option, I would probably use barrier method plus coitus interuptus. If I had the insurance to cover it, I would try the non hormonal IUD if I did not want to deal with barrier methods. And had I not found the brand of condoms that I did find, I would not want to deal with it.

    But since it is not me!!!! Really trust your gut sweety. You need to do what feels right to you.

  2. OMG DON'T DO IT!!!!! I had the Mirena IUD for over a year and it wreaked havoc on my whole body. I can't have synthetic hormones either and it made me a royal pain to be around. I was always pissed off and anxious, and it made me depressed, made me gain weight, and made me prone to getting boils- not fun. There was a ton of other stuff I can't remember but when I got it out I felt relief within a few days and it took my body a long while to get back to normal again. Read up on it some more and you'll see how bad it can get. Look up the lawsuits associated with it too. There is a lot of info drug companies don't want you to know. Be careful with the non hormonal iud as well because that one can mess with your uterine lining and cause (TMI warning) heavy bleeding and cramping. I can honestly say I will NEVER go on prescription birth control again. It's just not worth it.

  3. Thanks girls =)
    After much thought, more research, and more discussion with Drew...I am sticking to my original plan - Barrier, Neem oil, and FAM when it applies again.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one with issues on this subject. Makes me feel less nutty =)

    Anyway - wish me luck!
