Monday, January 18, 2010

Remembering Me

I just got done taking a bath. I shaved for the first time since the baby was born. I felt like a werewolf. I feel better now. I also did a hair treatment, used a delicious new body wash Drew and I splurged on yesterday, and finally topped it all of with some yummy new jojoba oil - It makes skin happy.

Now I feel delightful!

It was a little much needed spa time.

I've been so focused on the baby, and the apartment, and just finding quiet moments to take a deep breath, I had forgotten to actually take care of myself!
It feels really good to do a bit of pampering.
I really want to try and be better about taking care of myself regularly, but at the very least, today should hold me over for another 2 months or so.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear this!!! You deserve Sandi time!! Have you tried the salt scrub I made for you? The mint makes it really rejuvenating so don't do it when your winding down. But it makes the skin oh so soft and yummi!
