Monday, February 22, 2010

Angel Baby

Patrick had a very busy weekend! First, we went to visit Crys and Rog in Ocala (ok, not technically Ocala, but it is the closest "large" town to where they are) and then on Sunday we went to Joy's baby shower.
On Saturday Patrick slept almost the entire day! We had been running around all day Friday, so I think he was pretty worn out still. When he was awake, he was his usual alert and happy self, for the most part. Then, at Joy's shower, he was awake 90 percent of the time and was just an angel! Joy stole him right away and she and Jose had him for a good 45 minutes before he was returned to me (still not fussing). He actually didn't start fussing until the very end and we had been there for a little over 3 hours! He had finally had enough of all the noise and people. But we really got to enjoy the shower, almost up to the end, and focus on Joy and her special moment, because Patrick was totally chill and was happy to be bounced or just hang out on the table.

I just can't get over how lucky we are! He is SUCH a good baby. And people keep telling me he is so well behaved and they are usually quite awed by it. And I wonder why this is. Is it just his personality? Is it us being so relaxed? A little of both? Is it because of how happy I was during the pregnancy?
I wish I could know.

There are people who tell me that "the next one will probably be a devil child, because you only get one good one"
Is this true? or a load of hooey? Is it meant to freak me out? It does a little...

What what does it really mean to have an "easy" baby vs. a "difficult" one? Are they difficult just because they cry? Aren't babies supposed to cry? And sure, some babies cry more than others...but why? Certainly, not because they are "bad" babies...

I dunno, this concept of bad and good babies is so odd to me. I know this is my first one, and I know that he is "really easy" but is it because he's just a "really good baby" or because I don't let things phase me and so as a result he is more relaxed too?
I guess we could keep going in circles with this forever, and there will really be no peek into the answer to this question until I have a couple more of them...(babies, not questions)

And for the record...Patrick does cry. And sometimes I have no clue what to do about it. I just remind myself that he only has a couple ways now of expressing himself to us, and crying is the main one when he's got something important to say. Then I give him a squish and a kiss, and just let him cry it out.

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