I'm not sure how long he is, but it looks like he's hit atleast 26 inches. And weight...are you sitting down!? He weighs in at a little more than 15 lbs! He's growing so fast! Teething, laughing almost all the time, babbling constantly when he's awake...grabbing at things and of course putting them right in his mouth...he's almost sleeping through the night. And that little personality is showing more and more every day.
He really is just an absolute joy! Whoever thought I'd actually enjoy being a mommy? Of course it helps to have such a happy, healthy baby =)
So how am I 3 months postpartum? Pretty good really. My moods have been mellowing out, and I am definitely feeling more upbeat, if not a teeny bit on the sleepy side. I have discovered that I am anemic. Yuck. At least now I know why I am so tired. Also, I have hit this huge brick wall of "I just don't wanna" when it comes to anything not directly involved with baby care and play. Clean? Don't wanna. Work out? Don't wanna. It's quite silly really. But I have been told that it is very normal for that first year with a new baby.
Regardless, I need to push past it at least a little bit and start getting some stuff done. I am turning 30 in July and I want to feel nice, look nice, and live in a nice clean home. Not to mention...my little bundle of joy will want to play more and more, and I need the energy to do it!
Happy 3 months Patrick! Let's go take a nap =P
Happy 3 months Mr. Patrick! You know you could find ways to incorporate Patrick into activities you "don't wanna" do. The cleaning thing ehh...I mean I don't have a kid and I don't wanna do that ever. I have to force myself to do it because if I don't my allergies start and then my asthma starts, then I have to go to the hospital and its cold out so...its easier to clean. BUUUUT my main point was going to be the exercise thing and only because I saw this on TV. They have exercises you do where you use the baby as weights. Now maybe it is a little asinine and maybe Mr. P. is just too young - but I did think, well if I had a kid I could still get my exercise in.
ReplyDeleteThen there is the other side of things. I also saw this on TV. Teen Moms on MTV to be exact. The word of wisdom for other Moms everywhere that resonated out of one teen mom's mouth was this, "when you can..take your naps." I have to say its not a completely original statement. We've all heard this line or similiar before. If you think about at no point can any of us really recall a Mom's word of advice to be get your cleaning and your exercising in as much as possible!!
So, I think you're doing everything right.
Thanks =)
ReplyDeleteI have heard of the "mommy & me" exercising. I think it very cool! There are actually classes offered at the birth center, I just need to get my butt there. =P