Monday, January 31, 2011

Sharing and Baby Steps

We try to teach our little ones the importance of sharing, just like we were taught. Some don't learn the lesson as easily as others. A few don't really learn it at all. Being an only child, I didn't really learn the art (yes, it is an art) of sharing until early adulthood. What can I say, I was a late bloomer.
The thing about sharing is that it often becomes even more difficult and complex the older we get. This is even more true of parents, especially when the family is...let's use the word "expanded" instead of "split"...

My little baby has been so very close to walking for months now...each week or so he'll get closer and closer to taking multiple free standing steps.
Just the other day he took 2 steps before falling! So very close...all those little baby steps, leading up to the huge walking milestone! It has been so very exciting!

Yesterday, while visiting his Grandparents D and his daddy...he walked!
He walked...and I missed it.

And I want to be so excited that they got to see it, because those firsts are so exciting! But I am a little (ok, maybe more than a little) sad that I missed it. Sure, he will do it again, and maybe I'll even be able to catch the early walking on video...
But I missed the first.

Sharing is not always easy. They don't tell you that in kindergarten...


  1. I was not able to catch it on camera! He walked again, down the entry-way until he got about to where the little table is. But, just because he did it here first, doesn't mean your first with him walking is any less exciting. And hopefully, you will catch it on camera! You can really see him thinking about walking, and getting more comfortable on his feet while he is standing and leaning/holding on. So much fun having him with us. Thank you soooo much for sharing!-)

  2. I know how hard it is to catch those moments on video! I wish a had a video camera in my glasses that could turn on in an instant. =)

    I'm glad you all are having so much fun with him! And I can't wait to see him walking!
