Thursday, February 3, 2011

Plumpkin Speak

A little bit ago I made a list of all of Patrick's words. I was asked to continue the here goes (Including keys to understanding "Patrick Speak")

He now says "Mimi" (The name he has for my mom)
Owls now make a sound! "HooHoo"
Some dogs have names. Patrick can say "Dash" and "Thor"
All dog toys are "Bone"
One of our cats in named Inca, so now Patrick says "Ahng" to all cats
Try as I might, I can't seem to convince Patrick that airplanes are not "Autos"...Airplanes are "Autos"
(Remember, "Auto" is the German word for "car". Pronounced "Ow-toe")
"Bock" is Box
"Locka" is clock (though sometimes socks and shoes ("Yuck") are also "Locka", just depends on what he is pointing to at the time)
While almost all fruit, and food for that matter, is called "Apple", lemons are "Leba", and sometimes bananas are "Angnana"
He has snacks called Fiddlesticks. These, and all other snacks, are called "Deetdee" He is very demanding about these. Ok, he is very demanding about almost everything =P
He says diaper pretty clearly (as he tries to remove it)
Lions are "Low" (ow sound) and so are flowers actually.
Snowman is "Nohma!" (He is always very excited about snowmen)
"Bim" is any dinging sound. In Germany we say "Bim bahm" when something rings. Patrick discovered the doorbell. Now it, and all lit up buttons, are "Bim"
Button ("tuhn") has actually morphed to "Bim" also...just in case it makes a sound after all.
Bird ("eeee") has changed to "Beeee"
Baby is now very clearly "Baby"
Train is "tga tga" (Because I call it a "Chugga Chugga Choo Choo Train") So far, it is the only thing with wheels that is different from an "Auto"
Phone (and all phone like objects) is "Dome"
Cows say "boooo" or "baaaa" (He gets them confused with sheep)
"Down" is one of his favorite words right now, aside from "Auto"
Dinosaur is "DohDoh"
Door is sometimes "Doh" and sometimes "Dohr"
"Auf" (which is German for "open")
Oh! And he says "ByeBye!" =)

Sometimes Patrick says a bunch of stuff that seems very important, but I have no idea what he is saying. He gets mad though if I don't understand, especially if he is saying the same thing over and over. So I'll just nod and repeat the word and that usually makes him happy. If he is pointing to something he wants, but doesn't know the word (and says "Dat! Dat!" over and over) I'll just say the word as I touch each object in the direction he is pointing. I usually know I have the right one when he cackles at me and gets even more excited.

Sometimes he says a bunch of words he knows, for no reason other than to say them. He just really loves words. He practices them and plays with them all the time. It is so cool!


  1. We love it when he talks! And you are exactly right, he just loves words. Thank you so much for writing this out...

  2. You're welcome! It is great fun to keep track of this...but I am having a hard time keeping up!

    I forgot about bug, "bugabug"
    And you told me about "hole" today (so cute!)

    And of course...the new word for the day... "love"

  3. Of course, now we have "Nam-ma"! I am soooo thrilled!
