Monday, June 28, 2010


Patrick went on his very first real swing today at a playground. I think I was more nervous than he was! He had a fabulous time, and I have it on video =) It is funny though, he was more interested in the other baby on the swings than he was in the actual swinging.

Silly baby!

We also went to the library where he flirted quite happily with every female employee who saw him =P

It was a fun day for the plumpkin.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


This is just a very basic free page I've set up for Omi for her Birthday. I decided it would be great for others too. I've actually gotten some videos set up there, along with new photos of course.

In time, I think I'll do a really awesome site and be able to have this blog on it. For now though, enjoy =)

Everything Patrick

Thursday, June 24, 2010


It isn't that he doesn't sleep. He does. He will sometimes take a nice long nap during the day, and he does sleep at night...but he's been waking up...a lot. It also takes a long time to get him to actually go to sleep. Sometimes about an hour, last night it took 2 hours. Even for his naps. Even when he is so tired he is about to fall over.
It is so weird.

I have no idea why this is happening. A phase maybe?

It is a little frustrating. I feel like nothing I do can make him calm and happy and go to sleep. It makes my heart a little sad.
Poor little guy. I just don't know what's going on. I wish he could tell me.

It took me almost 2 hours but I finally got him down for his nap. If he sleeps for at least 45 minutes without waking up, I'll be happy.

I just really need to figure this sleep thing out. It is not easy.

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Day Without the Plumpkin

Yesterday, Patrick's Daddy took him for the day, and I had a whole day baby-free. I decided to do the one thing I really can't do with the baby - go to the movies!
My mom took me to Downtown Disney and we watched The A-Team AND Sex and the City 2! Both very fun movies. But I totally missed the baby!

I think it is so important that Drew gets some good quality time with his son, and at the same time, I get a much needed break. Plus, Patrick is always so excited to see his daddy. Happiness for everyone!

It is so very nice to get a little break from 24/7 mom duty. It helps me rejuvenate and remember how awesome it is to be a mommy. It has not been easy being pretty much the only one taking care of the baby this last month. My mom has helped out quite a bit, but she has been so busy working that there were plenty of days I had no help at all. Drew actually watched the baby for me a few days ago too, and I got to see Prince of Persia with my mom and James & Scott(I like movies, can you tell?)

This being a single mom thing is not easy, and definitely not what I had planned. But I am so lucky to have so much support. It still gets overwhelming sometimes, but I think motherhood does anyway - single or not.

So, I may miss my little guy when he's off playing with one of the many other people who adore him...but I really do appreciate the time to myself.
I think the next baby free day I'll get dressed up and go somewhere fancy. And probably see another movie ;)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby Kisses

Patrick now gives big smooshy snuggly kisses back when he gets kissed on his cheek!

My heart is in a gooey little puddle <3

Thursday, June 10, 2010

7 Months and a New Ride!

My fabulous baby boy is 7months old! I can hardly believe it!

He is so very close to crawling, but honestly I think he really enjoys rolling around. He is quite the rolling little monster!
He is now eating rice cereal, sweet potatoes, avocado, and pears - he loves all of it! He even makes yummy noises!<3. Next food up is peas. Mmmm peas!
He is also teething! This makes for some long nights, but it's alright, mommies don't need sleep...right?

This weekend we are getting him a new toy. He's outgrown his kickin coaster and his bouncer. I can tell you one thing I have learned- a 5 point harness is much much better than a 3 point! I say this because the two toys I mentioned have not been outgrown due to size (surprisingly), but rather due to the fact that he has learned how to topple them over during his escape attempts. Thank goodness his swing is still use able for a little while longer.
We will also be getting him a new car seat. After, much research I decided on this one
Graco is one of the only companies I have found that makes car seats that are rear facing up to 40lbs. This is very important to me! I very much believe that rear facing is the safest thing to do for as long as you possibly can!
Not sure you agree? Watch this video...just have the tissues ready! And believe me, it is not the worst one out there either!
I honestly don't know why they don't just make it a law that children need to be rear facing until 40lbs, at least!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mommy Doubts

I feel like I'm not being a very good mommy.
The pumpkin has been a little fussy. I wish he would take a nice long nap so that I could read, or check my email, or just stare off into space for a while. I need a break!

Maybe I'm not playing with him enough? Or snuggling him enough? Maybe I'm not smiling as much as I used to? Maybe he can tell I am sad inside. I am trying so hard to laugh with him and sing with him. But I feel like I am falling short somehow. I get so worn out sometimes when I bounce him around or hold the squirmy little guy.

I love him so much.
I just feel so overwhelmed.
I need time to myself.

I am so worried about screwing him up somehow. I'm so scared that I can't do this.
And I am so afraid that I'm not a good mommy at all.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Almost Crawling

Today, Patrick got upon his hands and knees and rocked forward and backward. It is only a matter of time before he starts crawling!

Tasks this weekend will include:
Baby proofing at least one room
Buying a baby gate
Dropping the crib down to the lowest level
Having video camera handy at all times!

I can't believe he is almost crawling! My days of rest are quickly coming to an end!