Thursday, May 7, 2009

15 Weeks - I heart the apple

I am now 15 weeks pregnant. Wow! In just a few more weeks I'll be able to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl! I can't seriously...I can not wait! It's making me crazy!

I have read that the baby is now the size of an apple. How cool!

I was told in the ladies restroom today that I am glowing. How does frumpy outfit and frizzy hair = glow? I graciously said "Are we looking at the same person?" my friend laughed and said "Yup, you are definitely pregnant!" So glad I amuse LOL*

Today at school they had a little celebration for student mothers. I was told I qualify to was celebrated!!!
It was pretty cool...but SO weird when people wished me a "Happy Mother's Day".
I had this big gift bag with goodies in it and a huge "Mother's Day" balloon tied to it, so when I left work today a bunch of the people I work with were saying "Have a great weekend! Happy Mother's Day" I smiled and said thank you of course...but it really felt so so so weird.

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