Friday, May 29, 2009

Week 17, Moving, Week 18 AHK!

I fell behind in my blogging. My excuse is a huge long exaughsting weekend of moving two households into one. My hubby and the furry herd and I moved into a big house with my mom and her furry herd. The move went well, but man I am still beat!
So far the furries are mingling...fairly well. There are certainly a few kinks to work out there. But the humans are getting along just fine =)

So week 17 should have been belly photos, I don't want to throw the schedule off though, so I will post photos again week 19 - who knows, by then there might be some change to see!

I'm feeling pretty good these days - aside from odd little aches here and there and being easily worn out, and lightheaded sometimes. Still have the food issues sadly. Oh mushrooms how I miss thee!

I had a check up last week. All is well...AND...I got a script for my BIG ultrasound! Tuesday June 2nd we get to find out if it is a boy or a girl! YEY!!! SOOOO EXCITED!!!
I also got a gentle lecture at my check up. I've already put on almost all the weight I am reccomended to put on for the entire pregnancy! Woops!
Some changes definitely need to be made - but honestly, I already new that.

So now, I am 18 weeks along. I feel fat. But for the most part I am in good spirits =D
I sometimes get freaked out still that I am so not ready to have a baby and be a mom. I just started getting used to being ME...I'm not sure I'm ready to add on another role...But it doesn't really matter if I am ready or not, because that baby will be arriving into our lives this October (or November) and I just have to be as ready as I can be.
A bit scary.

I think I am still hoping for a little girl. Though there are cute things about little boys too. I'll really just be excited to KNOW. Then we can find a name, and shop for cute gender specific things, and decorate the nursery! 

Oh oh oh! I have also started feeling little flutterings and the very occassional tiny, soft kick! Cool huh!? 

Wow...So...seriously...I am having a baby....

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