Monday, April 19, 2010

My Outing

I left the baby with someone other than Drew or my mom. I'm super proud of myself, and it was really nice to be out doing something girly.
My friend Joy, who just had a baby of her own, offered to watch the pumpkin for me while I went out to lunch with another friend of mine for our "once every 4 months or so" lunch date.

He apparently had quite a wonderful time with Joy, Jose, and little Brielli; because after about 30 minutes of nonstop babbles, telling me all about his visit, he passed out mid "sentence".
He is fast asleep right now too. He must have had a very exciting day!

It was strange not having him or the diaper bag on me. Strange, but light. Carrie and I had a great time chatting and laughing. I felt very free. But I missed him on the car ride back to Joy's, and I was so very happy to see him once we got there.

I really do like being just me sometimes, but there is nothing like being a mommy.
It is so nice that I get to do both.

1 comment:

  1. Aww this was so cute. I love it! I wish I was closer, I wanna watch the Plumkin!
