Monday, May 3, 2010

That asian woman is stealing our child!

So Sandi, Patrick and I are out shopping (on the way to Whole Foods, actually) and we are all struck with an undying hunger. We were next to an Indian buffet that we'd been to before that was awesome so we thought, "Let's go there!" Well it was 11am on a Sunday so the Indian restaurant wasn't open for another hour! Well we were right next to Bill Wong's world famous buffet with "Grand Opening" in the window. Mind you, Bill Wong's has been in existence since I was in college (2001-2005). I had been before and it was good and whatnot but there was a reason I hadn't been there in 6 or so years. So, with slight apprehension in my heart and grumbling in my tummy, we entered.

They had just opened so all the food was fresh. Everything was amazing! We were munching happily and I had just returned with my second plate when the waitress, a mid-40's asian woman, had picked up our baby. Now normally everywhere we go, people think (rightly so) that our baby is adoreable. Rarely, however, do we let him be carted around by strangers. So very shortly thereafter, another waitress, slightly shorter than the first, came over and Patrick reached out to her. She took him happily and poked fun at the first waitress along the lines of, "He likes me better than you! :P" To which the first waitress moved a little bit and put her arms out to Patrick. This caused him to reach back out to the first lady and caused giggles all around. Even got Patrick swatted on the bottom! So I'm beginning to pay attention to my food again and I get about 2/3 of the way through my 2nd plate when I look up and these woman have Patrick on the OTHER side of the restaurant and are showing him off to random patrons and other staff at the buffet. I was wary but also thought it was pretty funny that they were totally babysitting for free while we had lunch. I made sure to leave a decent tip for the waitress for services rendered.

As we were walking out this random couple stated that "the girls were going to steal (our) baby!"

Good times on I-Drive

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to add - we did have Patrick in our sights the entire time. Don't want anyone freaking out thinking we'd actually let someone steal the baby =P
