Thursday, March 17, 2011

Life's Little Blessings

How did I get so lucky with that little boy of mine?

We have our frustrating moments, our off days. He has temper tantrums. He refuses to let me feed him most of the time now. He kicks and screams more often than not when we do diaper changes, though this is finally starting to get better.

But he is amazing, healthy, happy, brilliant, adorable...He's just perfect.
I wish I could capture every moment on film. The tickling giggles, the cute little words, the sweet little hugs, dancing and songs, even the temper tantrums. I hope I will remember it all, always.

We never know what life will throw at us, we never know what the day will bring. But we all have some blessings in our lives... Things that make the day brighter, add color to our world. The things that make our hearts smile.
Patrick, is mine.

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