Sunday, January 10, 2010

Patrick is 2 Months Old

I know I still need to add some new baby photos, especially since he's a whole month older now. We just moved so finding the camera will be a bit tricky. But as soon as I do, there will be photos.

Patrick is now babbling more, grabbing at things, and playing with his little hands. He laughs out loud all the time, even in his sleep sometimes. It is just incredible. He is so cute! How on earth did I make such an adorable baby!? And how did I get so lucky to have such a happy, easy baby? It is just wonderful!
Also, we have all been sick on and off with different things, but my fantastic little boy has not gotten sick, other than a little cold in December. It is just amazing to me. I feel so very lucky.

Right now my grandmother, Omi, is in town. She adores her great grandson and she would like for me to make more soon. Patrick also got a visit from Grandma D today. It was pretty cool having all the grandmas and the great grandma there loving the baby.

As far as how I am doing 2 months into motherhood - not too shabby. I actually feel pretty good (thanks in no small part to the acupuncture and Chinese herbally goodness I have been getting) And I am finding that I really love being a mother. I am having a bit of a difficult time balancing all of the different parts of me: mother, wife, just plain old Sandi...but I know I'll get there. I do need to start focusing on getting in shape though. That is something ALL the different parts of me agree on.

And it really does amaze me that the diaper changes are not as horrific as I thought they would be...
Happy 2 month Birthday Patrick!

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