Sunday, November 1, 2009

+ 3 days...

3 days overdue. I can't even imagine what it would be like if I have to go 2 weeks. That seems like forever! And I am already so uncomfortable I want to cry most of the time.

Drew has been so wonderful, reminding me to relax, and that the baby will come soon, as soon as he's ready...

It was a bit of a let down to not have him today. Last night my contractions got to 5 minutes apart, not strong at all, but more regular...I was so sure he'd come today, until I woke up and realized the contractions had stopped. *sigh*

He'll be here soon. I know he will. And I am trying to enjoy the last few days or so of relative quiet and complete relaxation and laziness...but I hurt so much all over...

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