Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Acupuncture & Stuff

Something I never thought I'd do...acupuncture. It has always creeped me out a bit. I realize that is a bit funny coming from a girl with a bunch of tattoos...but weird little needles sticking out of various body parts really is...just creepy...

But being severely pregnant and 6+ days overdue can really change a girl's mind.

So I have an appointment on Saturday to be "naturally induced" via acupuncture.
Unless of course he decides to come before then...
Either looks like he'll be born Saturday at the latest! YEY!

I also had a BPP done (ultrasound to make sure the baby is doing ok in there - he is) and they estimate he is 9lbs. Yikes!

One cool thing - I've been asked twice today when I am due. Yey for random people finally noticing I am pregnant and asking about it! It makes me happy! I know it is silly, but at this point especially, I'll take those small little pleasures =)


  1. Oh wow. I didn't know they could naturally induce through acupuncture. It's exciting!

  2. baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby .... COME OUT!
